
We now illustrate the basic capabilities of the grmpy package. We start with the assumptions about functional form and the distribution of unobservables and then turn to some simple use cases.


The grmpy package implements the normal linear-in-parameters version of the generalized Roy model. Both potential outcomes and the cost associated with treatment participations \((Y_1, Y_0, C)\) are a linear function of the individual’s observables \((X, Z)\) and random components \((U_1, U_0, U_C)\).

\[\begin{split}Y_1 & = X \beta_1 + U_1 \\ Y_0 & = X \beta_0 + U_0 \\ C & = Z \gamma + U_C \\\end{split}\]

We collect all unobservables determining treatment choice in \(V = U_C - (U_1 - U_0)\). The unobservables follow a normal distribution \((U_1, U_0, V) \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \Sigma)\) with mean zero and covariance matrix \(\Sigma\). Individuals decide to select into treatment if their surplus from doing so is positive \(S = Y_1 - Y_0 - C\). Depending on their decision, we either observe \(Y_1\) or \(Y_0\).

Model Specification

You can specify the details of the model in an initialization file (example). This file contains several blocks:


The SIMULATION block contains some basic information about the simulation request.

Key Value Interpretation
agents int number of individuals
seed int seed for the specific simulation
source str specified name for the simulation output files


The ESTIMATION block determines the basic information for the estimation process.

Key Value Interpretation
agents int number of individuals for the estimation simulation
file str specified data inout file for the estimation process
optimizer str optimizer used for the estimation process
start str determines which start values are used for the estimation process


The TREATED block specifies the number of covariates determining the potential outcome in the treated state and the values for the coefficients \(\beta_1\).

Key Value Interpretation
coeff float intercept coefficient
coeff float coefficient of the first covariate
coeff float coefficient of the second covariate


The UNTREATED block specifies the number of covariates determining the potential outcome in the untreated state and the values for the coefficients \(\beta_0\). Note that the covariates need to be identical to the TREATED block.

Key Value Interpretation
coeff float intercept coefficient
coeff float coefficient of the first covariate
coeff float coefficient of the second covariate


The COST block specifies the number of covariates determining the cost of treatment and the values for the coefficients \(\gamma\).

Key Value Interpretation
coeff float intercept coefficient
coeff float coefficient of the first covariate
coeff float coefficient of the second covariate


The DIST block specifies the distribution of the unobservables.

Key Value Interpretation
coeff float \(\sigma_{U_0}\)
coeff float \(\sigma_{U_1,U_0}\)
coeff float \(\sigma_{U_0,V}\)
coeff float \(\sigma_{U_1}\)
coeff float \(\sigma_{U_1,V}\)
coeff float \(\sigma_{V}\)


The SCIPY-BFGS block contains the specifications for the BFGS minimization algorithm. For more information see: SciPy documentation.

Key Value Interpretation
disp bool set true to print convergence message
maxiter int maximum numbers of iterations the minimization process performs
gtol float the value that has to be larger as the gradient norm before successful termination
eps float value of step size (if jac is approximated)


The SCIPY-POWELL block contains the specifications for the POWELL minimization algorithm. For more information see: SciPy documentation.

Key Value Interpretation
disp bool set true to print convergence message
maxiter int maximum numbers of iterations the minimization process performs
xtol float relative error in solution values xopt that is acceptable for convergence
ftol float relative error in fun(xopt) that is acceptable for convergence


In the following chapter we explore the basic features of the grmpy package. The resources for the tutorial are also available online. So far the package provides the features to simulate a sample from the generalized roy model and to estimate the parameters of interest (given a data set) as specified in your initialization file.


First we will take a look on the simulation feature. For simulating a sample from the generalized roy model you use the simulate function provided by the package. For simulating a sample of your choice you have to provide the path of your initalization file as an input to the function.

import grmpy


This creates a number of output files that contains information about the resulting simulated sample.

  • data.grmpy.info, basic information about the simulated sample
  • data.grmpy.txt, simulated sample in a simple text file
  • data.grmpy.pkl, simulated sample as a pandas data frame


The other feature of the package is the estimation of the parameters of interest. The specification regarding start values and and the optimizer options are determined in the ESTIMATION section of the initialization file.


As in the simulation process this creates a number of output files that contains information about the estimation results.

  • est.grmpy.info, basic information of the estimation process
  • descriptives.grmpy.txt, distributional characteristics of the input sample and the samples simulated from the start and result values of the estimation process